If you would seek health, look first to the spine. – Socrates

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Lower Back Pain

What is Lower Back Pain?

As the name suggests, lower back pain is a condition in which a person suffers a pain in the lower back, which starts below the rib cage and is also called the lumbar region. The pain can also extend to the buttocks and the legs. In most cases, lower back pain is the result of an injury, such as muscle sprains or strains due to poor body mechanics.

Possible Causes of Lower Back Pain

Stiffness and pain in the lower part of the back, which may also extend to the buttocks and legs. This pain is can be caused by injured muscles, ligaments, joints and discs that support the lower back of the spine, like:

  • Overstrained muscles, or muscles that may become weak due to lack of exercise
  • Poor posture
  • Degenerated or herniated discs at the lumbar spine
  • Conditions such as osteoarthritis, myofascial pain or fibromyalgia

Lower Back Pain Risk Factors

The risk of suffering from lower back pain increases by the following factors:

  • Age
  • Smoking cigarettes: increases your risk of having disc disease.
  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle
  • Lifting heavy loads

Signs & Symptoms of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain symptoms vary from case to case. Some may experience a dull ache while others may feel a severe and shooting pain ant the lower back region (lumbosacral spinal region), sometime radiating to the legs (lower limbs). The pain can make it hard to move or stand straight.

Lower Back Pain Diagnosis

At Medcare, a spine specialist will start to assess the patient with a medical history, physical exam, checking for muscle strength, sensation and reflexes. If necessary, imaging tests may be required. 

You may be asked to have an x-ray, MRI, CT scan and/or electroneuromyography (ENMG) for the proper diagnosis. The underlying cause – whether non-specific muscular pain, a damaged disc, or any condition such as osteoarthritis, myofascial pain or fibromyalgia can be identified.

Lower Back Pain Treatment Options:

Consult a spine specialist at Medcare for the best lower back pain treatment for your condition. You may be prescribed medication for lower back pain relief. Another possible treatment is spinal injections to the back. 

Physiotherapy will help you to strengthen your back muscles and show you exercises that will not hurt your back. If the cause is a degenerated or herniated disc that requires surgery, then your spine specialist will explain and may suggest that.

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الأسئلة الشائعة:


  • My work involves standing for hours. How can I avoid lower back pain?

    A: You could try to rest one leg on a low stool while you stand. Change the foot in about 10-15 minutes. Maintain a good posture – head up, shoulders straight, chest forward, weight balanced on both feet and hips tucked in.

  • My back hurts and I don’t feel like getting out of bed. Will the rest do me good?

    A: If the cause of lower back pain is muscle strain, then it’s best to resume normal activities as soon as possible. Too much rest may reduce muscle tone and flexibility and aggravate the pain.

  • Suffering from lower back pain seems to be making me feel depressed. What can I do?

    A: Lower back pain can have psychological consequences. Your sleep may be disturbed due to the pain. You may be avoiding certain activities and situations due to pain. As this starts affecting your work or hobbies or social life, it could lead to depression. So it’s very important that you maintain a good level of physical activity. 

    Discuss with your spine specialist and physiotherapist and create a fitness plan that suits you. This will prevent you from getting depression. And of course, follow the treatment suggested for your lower back pain meticulously.

  • What can I do to relieve my lower back pain?

    A: It is vital to ascertain the cause behind your lower back pain first, and then start working on the treatment. Pain relievers and muscle relaxants are often used to treat lower back pain topically. However, for conditions like a slipped disc, we may suggest wearing corrective braces or even surgery. 

    Exercising, especially weight lifting, has also been known to help strengthen the muscles and the skeletal bones in the lower back, which prevents it from further injuries and even improves overall health. However, you must speak to your doctor before starting any exercise regime.

    Want relief from your back pain? Book an appointment with a Medcare specialist today.

  • How do I know if my back pain is serious?

    A: There could be several reasons behind lower back pain, such as a workout injury, age-related issues, a slipped disc, etc. However, certain types of back pain could be an indication of a severe underlying problem, such as a spine infection, a tumour or even an internal injury caused due to shock. 

    If you are experiencing back pain in conjunction with high temperature, chills or loss of bowel control, then you must immediately visit a doctor as these could be an indication of spinal issues. Additionally, if you experience back pain after a traumatic experience, such as a serious fall or accident, it's essential to get it checked immediately to rule out internal injuries.

    Need proper care and treatment for your lower back pain? Book an appointment with a Medcare specialist today.

  • Does walking help lower back pain?

    A: Exercising has fantastic health benefits, not just for your lower back but also for your overall health. It releases pain-fighting hormones and also strengthens the muscles of the back, which prevents muscle pulls and other injuries. 

    However, often, people who have back pain find it challenging to work out or perform strenuous exercises. There are also times when doing unsupervised exercising ends up causing more damage. This is why we suggest low-intensity exercises, such as walking and aerobic workouts. They do not cause a lot of strain on the muscles and also improve the blood flow to the back, which reduces pain.    

    Need proper treatment for your lower back pain? Book an appointment with a Medcare specialist today.

  • Can lower back pain be serious?

    A: Lower back pain can be caused due to a muscle pull or strain or due to any activity-related injury. Often, as you age, your muscles and bones weaken, which could lead to chronic issues, such as persistent headaches and back pain. 

    Back pain can be dangerous in cases where it is an indication of severe health issues. For instance, it could indicate a herniated disc which, if left untreated, could lead to a loss of sensation in the legs. If you experience constant back pain for more than a week, it’s highly recommended to visit a doctor for a diagnosis. 

    Want to know what your persistent back pain could mean? Book an appointment with a Medcare specialist today.

  • When should I see a doctor for lower back pain?

    A: A lot of people deal with back pain by either resting it out or accepting the pain. However, in most cases, persistent back pain could be a sign of something severe such as sciatica, scoliosis, severe strain or more. 

    While the common strain and sprain can go away with care and therapy, you should consider visiting the doctor when the pain doesn't subside in a couple of days despite resting and taking over the counter medication. This also applies to situations where you have difficulty moving your legs or if you experience a sudden loss of control concerning your bladder.

    Want to know why you have back pain and how to get it treated? Book an appointment with a Medcare specialist today.

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