There is a light in this world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness. – Mother Teresa

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Foot & Ankle Injuries

The foot and ankle are substantial, intricate mechanical structures that are connected by a vast network of ligaments, muscles, and tendons that cooperate to give the body stable support and motion. The ankle joint, which allows for up-and-down movement, is made up of 3 bones. The foot has about 30 joints and over 28 bones, which provide it a vast range of motion. While muscles and tendons support joints and aid in movement, ligaments connect the bones and hold joints in place.

As one of the most common musculoskeletal ailments, foot and ankle injuries occasionally require surgery. Foot and ankle injuries frequently result from impact during sports, leisure activities, and unintentional falls.

Our Foot & Ankle Injuries Clinic

As one of your body’s most frequently used components, your feet and ankles support a great deal of weight on a daily basis. It might be challenging to move around after enduring a foot or ankle injury, much alone carry out regular tasks.

Our foot and ankle specialists at Medcare’s hospitals in Dubai and Sharjah collaborate to ensure that you can continue with your regular daily activities despite your injury. Our Foot & Ankle Injuries Clinic in Dubai and Sharjah is supported with cutting-edge medical devices that are bound to secure accurate and efficient results.

From our physical therapists to our urgent care centers and technological advancements, we place an immense amount of effort and commitment into getting you back on your feet in no time!

When should you consult with a Foot & Ankle Injuries Specialist?

We encourage you to contact a foot and ankle doctor or a podiatrist if you have ongoing discomfort and symptoms that do not seem to get better. Some indicators include the following:

  • The pain, redness, or swelling in the ankle intensifies.
  • Even when the ankle is resting, you feel pain or discomfort.
  • Your ankle’s range of motion is restricted.
  • The appearance of your foot or ankle has changed.
  • You frequently feel tingling or numbness in your feet.
  • Standing, moving, or carrying weight causes discomfort or is getting challenging.
  • You have an unnatural growth on your foot or ankle.

Specialized services offered by our Foot & Ankle Injuries Department

Your description of the symptoms aid in the identification of a diagnosis that is causing your foot or ankle pain. Your orthopedic doctor at Medcare Dubai and Sharjah will record the type of discomfort, its location, and its causes. The orthopedic physician might also advise imaging tests including x-rays, an MRI, or a CT scan.

  • Following a comprehensive evaluation of your condition, the orthopedic physician might offer:
  • Ultrasonography and shock wave therapy.
  • rebuilding of the tendons, ligaments, joints, and bones.
  • removing the injured tissue.
  • Arthrodesis, or bone fusion surgery, increases the stability of your foot or ankle.
  • Joint replacement by arthroplasty

Our Foot & Ankle Injuries Specialists in Dubai and Sharjah

Medcare’s team is composed of board-certified and extensively trained foot and ankle doctors that provide comprehensive care for any foot or ankle injury you present. Our goal is to reduce your symptoms and enable you to resume your usual lifestyle and quality of life, regardless of the kind and extent of the injury.

As such, our medical team is ready to support you along this journey!

Procedures and Treatments Performed by Foot & Ankle Injuries Specialists

Foot and ankle pain can be caused by a variety of conditions or injuries:

  • Arthritis: The swelling and tenderness of joints with symptoms, such as pain and stiffness, which could worsen with age
  • Fractures: Broken bones
  • Sprains: A stretching or tearing of ligaments, the tissue that connects two bones together in the joints
  • Plantar Fasciitis: The inflammation of the band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot and connects heel bone to toes
  • Achilles Rupture: The rupture in the tendon that connects the muscles in the back of the calf to the heel bone
  • Tendonitis: The inflammation of the tendon that attaches muscle to bone and causes pain and tenderness outside a joint
  • Bunions: The bony bump on the joint at the base of the big toe, pushing against the next toe and forcing the joint of the big toe to become bigger and protrudes out
  • Hammertoes: The foot deformities that form as a result of an imbalance in the muscles, tendons or ligaments that hold the toe straight

When treating tendon injuries, Medcare’s orthopedic physicians frequently start with conservative measures. The following non-surgical treatments are found to provide extremely good results and pain alleviation for many people:

  • Activity modification
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Administering corticosteroids
  • Specific bracing
  • Specific orthotics (shoe inserts)
  • Putting ice on the area
  • Physical exercise

Foot and ankle surgery may be advised to treat serious rips, conditions, and damage when non-surgical methods are ineffective.

Modern surgical methods are used by our orthopedic surgeons to treat all kinds of foot and ankle injuries. Due to their involvement in cutting-edge foot and ankle reconstruction and repair research, our orthopedic physicians are masters in the most recent therapeutic techniques.

Our surgeries include:

  • Metatarsal Foot Surgery
  • Bunions Foot Surgery
  • Hammertoe Foot Surgery
  • Plantar Fasciitis Foot Surgery
  • Ankle Arthritis Surgeries
  • Achilles Tendon Disorders
  • Morton’s Neuroma Foot Surgery
  • Tibialis Posterior Dysfunction Foot Surgery

Why Choose Orthopaedic care at Medcare?

The best treatment for foot and ankle injuries is provided by a specialized hospital with cutting-edge medical technology, excellent patient care, and admired operating values.

When choosing its medical devices, Medcare Dubai and Sharjah exercises extreme caution to make sure it offers premium, high-quality services with cutting-edge technological advancements.

The medical professionals on the Medcare team have a proven track record of executing foot and ankle procedures with a success rate of 100%. The medical staff at Medcare consists of trained nurses and doctors who will take care of your general wellbeing throughout the course of your stay and in the days following it.

Patients are the foundation of Medcare's mode of operation, and in order to uphold this philosophy, Medcare places a high importance on openness, transparency, and innovation in all of its dealings.

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Foot & Ankle Pain FAQs:

Foot & Ankle Pain FAQs:


  • What is fusion surgery?

    A: Fusion surgery is also called arthrodesis and is used to treat ankle arthritis. Metal screws and plates are used to fuse the shin and ankle bones so that they heal and become one bone. This eliminates the painful motion and restores the function of the ankle. The patient gets relief from pain, and has a stable joint that can bear weight and conduct normal activities.

  • Does an ankle sprain require consultation of an orthopaedic specialist? Or will it just heal on its own?

    A: It is best to consult an orthopaedic doctor if you have pain in the foot & ankle. The doctor can confirm that it’s a sprain and nothing worse. Also, the orthopaedic specialist will tell you how to take care of the sprain so that there is no lasting damage to the cartilage or tendon.

  • Can you reverse a hammer toe ?

    A: A hammertoe can be reversed with some simple treatments that include splinting the toe to keep it straight and to stretch the tendons of the foot.

  • How do you get rid of bunions without surgery?

    A: You can use shoe inserts to help position the foot correctly, protect the bunion with a gel-filled pad that you can buy from the pharmacy, and ask the doctor if you could wear a splint at night to hold the toe straight and ease the discomfort. 

  • What happens if you don’t treat tendonitis?

    A: If left untreated, tendonitis may become chronic and can also lead to weakening and rupture of the tendon, and possibly permanent damage to the affected tissues.

  • How do you rupture your Achilles?

    A: You may suddenly have tripped or stumbled, and your foot was pushed in front to break a fall, forcefully overstretching your tendon.

  • Can Plantar fasciitis go away on its own?

    A: Simple home treatments can often resolve plantar fasciitis, especially if you catch it early – like stretching your foot out and walk around for a while. But it may take longer to heal if it has worsened over time. 

  • Do sprains bruise?

    A: With most sprains, you feel pain right away at the site of the tear. Often the ankle starts to swell immediately and may bruise. The ankle area is usually tender to touch, and it hurts to move it. In more severe sprains, you may hear and/or feel something tear, along with a pop or snap. You will need to consult your orthopaedic doctor immediately.

  • What is the first aid for fracture?

    A: Apply pressure to the wound with a sterile bandage, a clean cloth or a clean piece of clothing. Immobilize the injured area and don’t try to realign the bone or push a bone that's sticking out back in. You will need to consult your orthopaedic doctor immediately.

  • What are the early signs of arthritis, and what areas of the body are affected?

    A: You would feel fatigued, have joint pain, tenderness, swelling, redness, warmth, stiffness and loss of joint range of motion.

Last update date: 21-03-2023

Dr. Harpalsinh Jadeja post graduated with MS Orthopaedics from India before moving to the UK. He completed the UK FRCS fellowships in Orthopaedics and was selected for the UK Orthopaedic higher surgical training for Consultant’s training (UK CCT).

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Medically Reviewed By

Dr. Maan Taba

Dr. Maan Taba has impressive credentials beginning with an MD in Orthopaedics and an MS in Surgery from Spain, followed by FRCS in Trauma and Orthopaedics from UK.

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