In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete. – Louise L. Hay

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Breast Lumps

What are breast lumps?

A breast lump is a growth of tissue that develops within your breast. Unusual lumps or bumps in breast tissue should be examined by a doctor. The vast majority of lumps aren’t cancerous and some benign breast lumps do not require treatment. However, the first sign of breast cancer often is a breast lump.

Breast Lumps Causes:

There are many different types of breast lumps, and these have different causes:

  • Breast cancer.
  • Phyllodes tumour.
  • Breast cysts.
  • Fibroadenoma.
  • Fibrocystic breasts (lumpy or rope-like breast tissue).
  • Injury or trauma to the breast.
  • Intraductal papilloma - a benign growth in a milk duct.
  • Lipoma - a mass that's usually harmless.
  • Mastitis - an infection usually seen among women who are breast-feeding).
  • Milk cyst or galactocele — a milk-filled cyst that's usually harmless.

Breast Lump Risk Factors:

While there are a number of benign conditions that may cause a breast lump, you need to be most careful if you are at high risk for breast cancer.

  • The risk is higher after the age of 50.
  • Women who have inherited certain genes are at a higher risk.
  • Women who started menstruating before the age of 12 and had menopause beyond the age of 55 are at a higher risk.
  •  Family history or personal history of breast cancer.
  • Previous treatment with radiation therapy.

Breast Lumps Signs & Symptoms:

There are many different types of breast lumps. Some signs of breast lumps are as follows:

  • A distinct lump.
  • A hard area.
  • A thickened, slightly more prominent area that's different from surrounding breast tissue.
  • Other changes, such as red, dimpled or pitted skin.
  • One breast enlarged.
  • Nipple pulled inward or fluid discharge from the nipple.
  • Painful breast lump or tenderness, which might increase during your period.

 Breast Lump Diagnosis:

Although most breast lumps are non-cancerous, or benign, it is necessary to get a proper diagnosis to check for cancer. Your doctor will examine your breast and nipple and also the lymph nodes in your armpits. Further investigations may be required, and you can get these done at Medcare:

  • Mammogram.
  • Breast ultrasound.
  • MRI.
  • Breast biopsy.

Breast Lump Treatment in Dubai & Sharjah:

Meet a specialist in the Medcare General Surgery Centre to discuss breast lump treatments. You can also ask how to cure a breast lump without surgery. Some benign breast lumps and cysts require no treatment. If the doctor finds an abscess, the treatment is likely to involve draining it, and a course of antibiotics.

If cancer is found, then cancer treatment, likely to involve surgery followed by chemotherapy or radiation, will be started right away. A cancerous lump could be removed by surgery and the surgeon may also remove lymph nodes close to the tumour to check if the cancer has spread. In some cases, it may become necessary to do a mastectomy, or a surgical removal of the entire breast.

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Breast Lump FAQs:

Breast Lump FAQs:


  • I am going to have a breast lump removed. What will the recovery be like?

    A: After a surgery to remove a breast lump, your doctor will prescribe medications to control the pain and prevent infection. Once you return home from the hospital, you will need to take care of the incision. 

    Healing may take some days. Your doctor will tell you what activities you can and cannot do. If stitches are to be removed, you will visit the hospital for this. If you need radiation therapy, it will be started some weeks after the surgery.

  • How often should I get a mammogram if there are no abnormalities in my breasts?

    A: Women are advised to get mammograms periodically so that, if there is any cancer, it can be detected early and treated. How often you need one depends on your age, past medical history, and family history. Speak to your doctor to decide the right schedule for you.

  • I have a fibroadenoma. Is there a chance this may become cancerous?

    A: No, don’t worry, most fibroadenomas don’t increase your risk of getting breast cancer.

  • What kind of nipple discharge is normal and what is not?

    A: If you are not breast-feeding your baby, then any nipple discharge should be checked by a doctor.

  • What does cancerous lump in breast feel like?

    A: Cancerous lumps are generally hard, unevenly shaped and are immobile.

    They often appear to be fixed to the surrounding areas and may show extensive vascularity – a condition with highly-visible, large and prominent superficial veins. This is due to their capacity to produce new blood vessels. However, such symptoms may not always surface, which makes early detection difficult. Some women will experience pain, swelling, and skin changes, while others won't feel anything.

    The only definitive way to determine the nature of a breast lump is to do a biopsy. Its location is also an essential clue as the lump can develop in any part of the breast or nipple, but it is most common in the upper outer quadrant.

    Felt a lump in your breasts? Book an appointment with a Medcare specialist today.

  • What lumps are normal in breast?

    A: A lump in the breast is not normal. It can either be cancerous or benign. Benign lumps do not pose any risk but require medical attention.

    Keep in mind that most lumps do not end up being cancerous, but a distinction can generally be drawn between the two. A cancerous lump is usually isolated and hard, whereas a benign lump can be felt throughout the breast tissue. 

    Infections, cysts, etc., can cause benign breast lumps. So, it is best to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

    Want to know if the lump in the breast is benign or not? Book an appointment with a Medcare specialist today.

  • Is a lump in breast always cancer?

    A: In eight out of 10 cases, lumps in the breast are not a sign of cancer, and they are benign, harmless.

    A lump could be a sign of several things other than cancer, such as:

    • Normal hormonal breast tissue changes
    • Breast infection (mastitis)
    • Fatty lumps as a result of trauma or
    • Medicinal effect

    However, in some cases, lumps can be cancerous. It is best to consulting a doctor to understand the nature of the lump.

    Worried about what the lump in your breast is? Book an appointment with a Medcare specialist for a consultation today.

  • When should I be concerned about a breast lump?

    A: Usually, lumps in a woman’s breast should not be a matter of concern as breast tissue has a bumpy feel, which creates that sense of “lumpiness”.

    However, you should be concerned if a lump feels harder or different from the rest of the breast, as this could be a sign of breast cancer.

    The difference between cancerous breast lumps and non-cancerous breast lumps is that the former are hard, unevenly shaped and immobile, while non-cancerous lumps are easily movable, smooth, rounded and can disappear on their own.

    Regular screening is thus essential for knowing whether a lump is cancerous or not.

    Want to get your breast lump checked? Book an appointment with a Medcare specialist today.

  • How long does it take to recover from lumpectomy?

    A: Recovery from lumpectomy can take anywhere between a few days and a week, depending on the case.

    If the lumpectomy is without a lymph node biopsy, you can probably recover fast and resume work after two or three days. However, if it is one with a lymph node biopsy, you would probably take longer than that, say about a week.

    Post the surgery, you may feel various sensations like tenderness and numbness in your breast, but this is normal and will reduce within the first few months of the treatment. The hard scar tissue you feel along the lumpectomy incision is also normal and softens over time.

    Need lumpectomy to treat your breast lump? Book an appointment with a Medcare specialist today.

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