There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen. - Rumi

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Hearing loss

Hearing loss is a condition that occurs when you are unable to hear normal conversation. It is characterized by difficulty in discerning certain sounds, inability to decipher word endings and you strain to hear people when there is background noise or when there is a distance between you and the talker.

Types of Hearing loss:

  1. Conductive hearing loss
  2. Sensorineural hearing loss
  3. Mixed hearing loss

Possible Causes of Hearing loss:

There are three main types of hearing loss:

  • Conductive hearing loss due to a problem in the ear canal, eardrum, or the middle ear.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss due to damage to the hair cells in the inner ear.
  • Mixed hearing loss is a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.
  • Ageing and exposure to loud noise, gradual build-up of earwax, ear infection and abnormal bone growths or tumours and tympanic membrane perforation are some causes of hearing loss.
  • Diseases that cause hearing loss.

Risk Factors for Hearing loss:

  • Age: hearing loss gets worse as you get older as you lose elasticity in the ear and the tiny hair in the ear get damaged.
  • Exposure to loud noise: listening to loud volume sound for long periods can damage the hair cells in the cochlea.
  • Infections and disorders: untreated infections cause hearing loss due to fluid build-up in the middle ear. Diabetes and poor circulation may be probable causes.
  • Other factors: Diabetes and poor circulation may be probable causes.

Other causes like smoking, effects of certain medication and family history could put you at risk.

Signs & Symptoms of Hearing loss:

Signs that you may be suffering from hearing loss:

  • When more than one person is talking at the same time, you have trouble following the conversation.
  • You misunderstand what people are saying and you think that other people are mumbling.
  • You listen to the television at a loud volume.
  • You suffer from tinnitus, which refers to ringing, roaring, or hissing sounds in your ears.

Additionally, symptoms of age-related hearing loss:

  • An inability to hear high-pitched sounds.
  • Difficulty in hearing if there are loud noises in the background.
  • Trouble understanding telephonic conversations.

Diagnosis of Hearing loss:

Certain conditions, like age, illness, and genetics, may be responsible for hearing loss. Advanced age is the most common cause of hearing loss. Our ENT specialist will understand your hearing loss symptoms and do a full physical examination to narrow down the reasons of hearing loss. An otoscope may be used to inspect the inside of your ears. An audiologist may be asked to perform a hearing loss test to determine the extent of the hearing loss.

Hearing loss Treatment in Dubai & Sharjah:

Meet an ENT specialist at Medcare to discuss your difficulties and the best hearing loss treatment for you. If your hearing loss is permanent, our ENT doctor may recommend using a hearing aid. 

For persons with profound loss of hearing, cochlear implants can make sounds louder. Other assistive devices, such as telephone amplifiers and lessons in lip reading may help you follow conversations.

If hearing loss is due to otosclerosis, scar tissue, or infection it can be reversed through surgery. Hearing loss caused by infection can often be cleared up with medication

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Hearing loss FAQs:

Hearing loss FAQs:


  • How can I improve my hearing?

    A: Focus on people’s lips and their facial expressions when they talk, in order to understand what they’re saying. Reduce background noise, so you can hear better. Request people to get your attention before they start talking and ask them to speak slowly and clearly but not to shout.

  • What preventive measures should I take to delay hearing loss?

    A: You cannot prevent age-related hearing loss but you can stop it from getting worse. Stay away from loud sounds and wear a protective ear-piece when you cannot avoid it. Control your blood sugar if you have diabetes.

  • What is otosclerosis?

    A: In Hearing loss otosclerosis is a rare condition that affects the hearing of those afflicted by it. It happens when a bone in the middle ear gets stuck, possibly due to the way bone tissue grows around it. As this bone needs to vibrate for you to hear, if it’s stuck, then sound cannot travel from the middle ear to the inner ear, and the patient becomes hard of hearing.

  • What is a cochlear implant?

    A: For some patients who cannot hear better with hearing aids, the ENT specialist may recommend a cochlear implant. In this procedure, an electronic device is used to bypass the damaged areas of the ear. Sound signals are delivered to the auditory nerve. A sound processor fitted behind the ear captures sound waves, and transmits them to a receiver implanted behind the ear. This receiver sends the signals to electrodes that have been implanted in the inner ear, also called the cochlea.

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