Believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. – Joyce Meyer

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What are urinary & genital infections?

Urinary and genital infections are infections of the urinary tract or the genital organs and surrounding area. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, ureters, and the bladder while the genital system includes the reproductive organs. Urinary and genital infections may affect the kidney, prostate, bladder, urethra, testes, penis and vagina. They can be either bacterial or viral in nature.

Possible Causes: 

Infections of kidney, prostate, bladder, urethra, testes, penis and vagina can be of different kinds, for instance, either bacterial or viral that could be sexually transmitted diseases. Bacterial infections happen when outside bacteria enter your urinary tract and multiply, causing an infection. Likewise, virus infections can cause genital infections too and can be spread sexually or through skin-to-skin contact.

Risk Factors: 

There are different risk factors according to age group and gender and should be evaluated by a specialist, however a few factors that may increase the risk of urinary and genital infections can be:

  • Having unprotected sex with multiple partners.
  • Having had another sexually transmitted infection.
  • Bad personal and genital hygiene.
  • Incomplete draining of urine.

Signs & Symptoms: 

The signs and symptoms of the various urinary and genital infections are different. However, common symptoms that patients experience are:

  • Frequent urination.
  • Sores or bumps on the genitals rectal area.
  • Painful or burning urination.
  • Odd-smelling genital discharge.
  • Bleeding from the vagina for women.
  • Lower abdomen pain and fever.
  • Pain during sex.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.


The diagnosis of different kinds of urinary and genital infections depend on the type of the condition and will be best investigated by our specialists at Medcare. However, some of the common diagnosis is taking down a medical history and physical evaluation along with a pelvic and genital examination. Testing of vaginal secretions might be done in the case of women patients.

Treatment Options: 

The treatment for urinary and genital infections varies with your symptoms and an individual treatment plan will be developed by our specialists at Medcare to help you recover. However, some of the common treatment plans include oral medicine therapy, local medicated ointments, and vaccination which will be administered by your doctor to suit your condition.

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الأسئلة الشائعة:


  • Does using protection during sexual intercourse reduce the risk of urinary and genital infections?

    A: Yes, using protection like a condom during any sexual activity and intercourse does reduce the risk of urinary and genital infections.

  • Can urinary and genital infections come and go?

    A: Yes, some urinary and genital infections, most often, but not always, bacterial, can come and go if you are linked to one of the possible risk factors. However, your body can also develop antibodies to some of the viral infections once you have already been treated for it.

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