For us to feel good emotionally, we have to look after ourselves. – Sam Owen

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What is facial ageing?

Cosmetic surgery can help to correct the effects of facial ageing by a procedure called a facelift. The medical term for a facelift is rhytidectomy. This procedure reshapes the lower half of the face, removes excess facial skin, smoothens wrinkles and tightens loose skin. This helps to make the face appear more youthful.

Possible Causes: 

To reverse the effects of ageing, and regain youthful contours of the face you may opt for a facelift surgery at Medcare’s Plastic Surgery Department. Causes are:

  • Sagging of the skin
  • Significant fold lines between the nose and corner of the mouth
  • Loss of weight
  • Jowls in the cheeks and jaw
  • Loose skin and excess fat on the neck

Risk Factors:

A facelift is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of ageing in the face and neck. Reasons for this may be:

  • Thinning of the skin and loss of facial fat
  • Sun damage
  • Smoking, heredity and stress
  • To make the features of the face more appealing and youthful

Facelifts should be done by healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that obstruct healing, non-smokers and persons with a positive outlook.

Signs & Symptoms: 

A facelift is not able to change your basic appearance nor can it arrest the process of face changes with age. However, what it can do, is to create a wrinkle free, youthful face. Surgery helps remove the excess skin and works on the muscles to tighten the face. 


At Medcare, the first step during the consultation for cosmetic surgery involves a physical examination followed by your medical history and a detailed analysis of your concerns. Our plastic surgeon will ensure that you are made fully aware of the potential risks and benefits of facial surgery. 

Photographs and computer imaging will help you understand the planned changes. Surgery usually involves the removal of excess facial skin, tightening of underlying tissues, and the re-draping of the skin on your face and neck. 

Treatment Options: 

Consult an expert plastic surgeon at Medcare when you see the first signs of facial ageing. Here you will get the best advice and treatment options.

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الأسئلة الشائعة:


  • What are the risks of having a facelift?

    A: While it is rare to have any problems after a facelift, the main risks are anaesthesia risks, bleeding and infection. All risks will be fully discussed prior to your consent. You should address all your questions directly with our plastic surgeon. 

  • What should I expect during my recovery from facelift surgery?

    A: After your surgery your face will be bandaged to minimise swelling and bruising. Our surgeon will guide you regarding the care and medicines to take orally or to apply. Also, you need to keep your follow-up appointment with our plastic surgeon. 

  • How is a facelift done?

    A: In a facelift, an incision is made around the ear and sometimes, under the chin. Loose skin is removed and the remaining skin is tightened. This reduces the appearance of wrinkles on the face, and makes the outline of the jaw clearer.

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